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Loaded nib but the view outlet was not set 오류 해결법

by 꼬마상어 2016. 9. 19.

1. files owner와 제대로 연결되었는지 확인할 것 (이름 확인!!)

2. view를 연결시켜줄것!!

You guys are right, but as I'm a newcomer it took me a little while to figure out all the steps to do that. Here's what worked for me:

  • Open the XIB file causing problems
  • Click on file's owner icon on the left bar (top one, looks like a yellow outlined box)
  • If you don't see the right-hand sidebar, click on the third icon above "view" in your toolbar. This will show the right-hand sidebar
  • In the right-hand sidebar, click on the third tab--the one that looks a bit like a newspaper
  • Under "Custom Class" at the top, make sure Class is the name of the ViewController that should correspond to this view. If not, enter it

Custom class configuration

  • In the right-hand sidebar, click on the last tab--the one that looks like a circle with an arrow in it
  • You should see "outlets" with "view" under it. Drag the circle next to it over to the "view" icon on the left bar (bottom one, looks like a white square with a thick gray outline

Custom class configuration

  • Save the xib and re-run

